phone: 0402 745 706


Metabolic Balance

So many people struggle to control their weight and have a healthy metabolism. Metabolic Balance provides individual nutrition plans based on your unique body chemistry. Your personalised plan results in natural, healthy, sustainable weight loss and you feel great.

Your Metabolic Balance whole food nutrition plan is generated from your blood results, body measurements, current health symptoms and food preferences. It’s the perfect list of foods that nourishes you and you alone.

Is Metabolic Balance right for me?

  • Are you gradually developing or suffering from metabolic related diseases or hormone imbalances?
  • Are you overweight or obese?
  • Do you struggle to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight?
  • Are you confused about what you should be eating?
  • Would you love to understand the exact foods that would be ideal for you?

If you answered Yes to just one of these questions, then Metabolic Balance may be the perfect solution for you.

More Information

Nutritional Medicine

  • Nutritional medicines may include powders, tablets or capsules.
  • Clinical Nutritional Medicine may involve individually formulated compounding powders such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals to target your specific case.
  • Nutrition at ABee Health involves dietary recommendations or changes to suit your situation. Dietary analysis software and diet diaries may be utilised to examine certain excesses and/or deficiencies in your weekly diet.
  • Nutrition may involve probiotics in either capsule or powder forms depending on your presenting condition and cause. Specific strains are prescribed to align with your individual health condition.

Herbal Medicine

  • Clinical Herbal Medicine involves individually formulated liquid herbal extracts mixed to suit your particular health condition or needs.
  • Herbs may be formulated with their specific actions to support a variety of body systems such as digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, circulation, female and male, immune, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, skin and urinary.
  • Herbal medicine may be dispensed as tablets and/or capsules.
  • Herbal creams can be made by combining a variety of liquid herbs which may be incorporated into protocols involving skin conditions.
  • Herbal liquid extracts, capsulated and tablet forms used at ABee Health are sourced from Australian companies with stringent Quality Assurance testing procedures to ensure a high level of purity with the herbs used.

Live and Coagulated Blood Microscopy


  • Structural patterns and colours in your iris may indicate strengths and weaknesses of areas of your body.
  • Nutrient absorption, toxicity, inflammation, circulatory and lymphatic imbalances may be indicated.
  • Iridology is a screening tool to identify your nurture points. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in your body through the nervous system.  The pattern and colour of your eye resembles your genetic history going back as far as three generations in your family.
  • Toxicity, inflammation, lymphatic irregularities and gastrointestinal weaknesses are some of the imbalances which may be indicated with some irises.
  • Iridology analysis is utilised to gain a stronger understanding of a client’s health in a holistic view.
  • Iris signs are utilised in combination with nail and tongue analysis to contribute to a more thorough case taking.
  • An iris torch on each eye will also be used to enable a quick iris inspection of your colour, constitution and others signs such as possible inflammatory or gastrointestinal imbalances.

Testing and Integrative Pathology

ABee Health may utilise testing with professional pathology labs which collect samples such as blood serum, dried blood, urine/dried urine, saliva or hair.


  • Thyroid profile
  • Thyroid cofactors (Tyrosine, Iodine, Selenium)
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin D3
  • Iron Studies
  • Male or Female Hormone Profiles
  • Allergy Food Panels – IgG, IgA (General foods, Asian foods, vegetarian foods, inhalants or moulds).
  • Intestinal Permeability (“leaky gut”)
  • Kryptopyrroles – HPL – hydroxyhemo pyrrolin-2-one – Pyrroles, Mauve Factor, Pyroluria.
  • Pfeiffer Profile (Plasma zinc, serum copper, Zn:Cu ratio, Ceruloplasmin, % free Copper, whole blood Histamine, Homocysteine, Vitamin D3).
  • MTHFR (Methylenetretrahydrofolate reductase) C677T & A1298C – (blood spot, blood serum or buccal swab collection method choices).
  • Heavy metals
  • And more….

(Note: ABee Health pathology testing is not claimable through Medicare).