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Colds and Flu – Your Immune System

Arm yourself with the tools you need to boost your immune function and help fight against illness such as colds and flu.

Key nutrients for a strong immune system include citrus fruits of all kinds which are rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that plays a key  role  in  the  mobilisation  of  your  immune  system  defences.  However, vitamin C is not the only nutrient beneficial to your immune system.  Zinc is another powerful immune system supporter, found in meat, eggs, seafood, nuts and seeds. Zinc helps infection-fighting white blood cells to  be  deployed  at  the  first  sign  of  a  disease-causing  invader,  such  as  a  virus  or  bacteria. These two nutrients form an essential immune system foundation to help  reduce  the  incidence  and  severity  of  colds and infections.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in the overall function of  your  immune  system,  working  behind  the  scenes  to  help ‘marshal’ your immune cells to the site of an infection. During winter your stores of vitamin D can decline as you spend more time indoors and less time soaking up the sunshine required to manufacture your own supply. Supplementing with  this  important  vitamin  can  help  maintain  your  infection-fighting capacity over the winter months. At ABee Health we use and recommend  high  quality,  clinically  effective  immune-boosting nutrients at the correct dose to help you stay well this winter.

Vitamin D testing (blood spot or pathology lab) is available through ABee Health to monitor optimal levels of Vitamin D.

Looking after your immunity

Your gastrointestinal tract contains approximately 70% of your immune system, so ensuring your gut is populated with plenty of beneficial micro-organisms (‘good bugs’) is central to  you  maintaining  optimal  immune  function.  These  beneficial bacteria or ‘probiotics’ are now understood to have very different health  benefits  depending  upon  their  subset  or  ‘strain’,  with certain  specific  strains  able  to  support  your  immune  system and  help  keep  it  in  top  form.  Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCFM strain)  and Lactobacillus  rhamnosus (LGG and  HN019  strains)  in  particular  can  reduce  the  incidence  of respiratory infections that are common in winter.

Lifestyle Tips to Support Good Health

Busy people  often  forget  to  prioritise  regular  ‘down-time’, but the stress of being on the go all the time can significantly drain your immune function and leave you more susceptible to  falling  prey  to  any  viruses  you  may  come  in  contact  with.  Help  yourself  recharge  by  scheduling  regular  relaxation  and ‘me time’ such as reading a good book, getting a massage, or perhaps a yoga class followed by a long soak in a warm bath. Ensuring you get sufficient sleep also enables your body to rest and repair, keeping you ready to fight whatever battles you may encounter tomorrow.


Rather than succumbing to yet another cold or flu this year, help  support  your  immune  system  and  keep  you  enjoying what the winter season has to offer. Make an appointment or enquiry at ABee Health about how you can boost your  infection-fighting  capacity  with high  quality,  clinically  effective  vitamin  C,  zinc,  vitamin  D, immune-boosting probiotics and practitioner prescribed and personally formulated herbal medicines.

Zinc and Vitamin D testing available.


Anxiety for some people can be uncomfortable feelings when faced with simple everyday situations.  If you or someone you know avoids social gatherings, work meetings or confrontations, due to anxiety, then don’t ignore these feelings and make an appointment today.

Physical and Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety can be very unsettling. Your heart rate increases, your mind races and you can no longer think straight.  Everyone experiences anxiety a bit differently, there are some more common symptoms to look out for.

  • racing heart;
  • hot flushes, sweating and skin clamminess;
  • rapid breathing; and/or frequent gastrointestinal upsets.
  • feelings of excess worry, panic, fear or guilt;
  • obsessive thinking and behaviours; and/or
  • feeling generally tense and wound up.

If you can relate to any of the above this doesn’t have to be your everyday ‘normal’.

Breaking the Cycle

Herbal medicine can be used to help reduce anxiety and nervousness; improving your emotional resilience for example:

Passion flower – decreases that sense of ‘restlessness’ and can help settle nervous stomachs.  It increases the calming neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), such as GABA; soothing a racing mind, decreasing tension and irritability.

Zizyphus –  widely used in Chinese herbal formulas for its anxiolytic (anxiety reducing) properties; zizyphus is considered cooling, calming and another herb that’s effective for restlessness.

Strategies for Anxiety

These tips will lead to better overall wellbeing as well as helping you to manage stress and anxiety:

  • Connect with friends – keeping in touch with people maintains your support network;
  • Exercise (ideally outdoors) – regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce feelings of stress;
  • Choose healthy foods – consume protein at each meal and avoid refined and sugary foods. This can help balance your blood sugar levels, reducing mood imbalances and lessening anxiety;
  • Avoid caffeine – stimulants such as caffeine can exacerbate anxiety; and
  • Breathe! – if you start to feel panicky or anxious, focus on taking some slow, purposeful, deep breaths, helping you return to a state of calm. Meditation can also help to quieten your mind and instill calm.

Please also read the article “Pyrroles, Leaky Gut and Nutrient Deficiencies”.